Big Bag storage system
Big Bag storage system
This unique Big Bag storage system allows Big Bags to be placed in a specially designed frame and stacked on top of each other using a forklift truck.
- Easily place Big Bags 3 high
- Fast, easy and stable movement and storage of Big Bags
- Emptying into a container/bin or suction system possible
- Frame and pillars can be dismantled and are very compact to move
- Saves a lot of space in storage
- Can be used in many different industries (including the food industry)
The biggest advantage of this system is that it saves space when storing Big Bags. In addition, they are easily and quickly accessible for transport and the Big Bags are easy to empty.
The solid base frame is made of plastic and has a slide that allows the raw materials to pass through or be closed off from the trunk of the Big Bag.
The 4 uprights are available in different versions depending on the customer's wishes. The uprights of multiple systems can be placed on 1 base frame to get a very compact transport.
The storage system can also be placed on a discharge frame to allow raw materials to drain out and collect them in a container or bin for further suction and transport by means of vacuum transport.